I have come to two major conclusions with regard to my first reading of a hyperfiction and that it is highly disorienting but interesting. It is indeed amazing that in the age of computers we are able to access so conveniently information literally at our fingertips. However, all this convenience and sophistication at the fingertips does come with its own intricate problems that would somehow lead to the debatable question of whether hyperfiction would ultimately replace the book. Thus, for the rest of the essay I would be elaborating on my personal  experience of reading hyperfiction, the problems I have encountered and my views on whether hyperfiction would ultimately supersede the book. I have chosen ' The Unknown' by William Gillespie, Scott Rettberg, Dirk Stratton and Frank Marquadt as the basis of my essay. Basically The Unknown' tells of this group of authors that go on a book trip together in search of inspiration to write their books.

         Personally, I must agree that the visual presentation of a hyperfiction is more attractive than that of a book as I was highly impressed by the refreshing colours and designs that can be employed to the various pages of a hyperfiction document. For the case of 'The Unknown', the most striking feature about it is the number of hyperlinks it contains within a page( approximately twenty). At first instance, the sight of those hyperlinks provoked a sense of excitement and challenge to me but once I clicked on my first hyperlink which was the word                                       'typing' (took approximately forever to download due to my very effective modem after which I resorted to using a friend's computer) it led me to another page that had a title as such:


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